Manali Deolalkar Manali Deolalkar

20 Reminders for Women - Happy International Women’s Day

As we celebrate International Women's Day, let's take a moment to honor the empowering, soft, strong, and resilient beings that we are. Here are 20 reminders for women everywhere to embrace their unique essence and celebrate their journey of womanhood.

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Mental Health Manali Deolalkar Mental Health Manali Deolalkar

How To Support Loved Ones In Distress

Supporting a loved one through depression or other mental health challenges can be difficult. It is often a gradual and unpredictable journey that can evoke feelings of helplessness. However, it's essential to maintain patience and refrain from giving up simply because you can't immediately resolve the situation.

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Manali Deolalkar Manali Deolalkar

How is Cognitive Behavior Therapy used in therapy?

What does it look like to use Cognitive Behavioral therapy in real life with clients? In this blog, we elaborate on the techniques used in CBT and how CBT can help improve self-awareness and engage in newer, more helpful behaviors.

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Manali Deolalkar Manali Deolalkar

Mental Health of South Asian Adults in the Tech Industry..

Explore the unique mental health challenges faced by South Asian adults in the tech industry. Discover the pressures of pursuing engineering careers, the existential questions and lack of fulfillment experienced in the workplace, and the growing shift towards work-life balance. Gain insights into the importance of questioning core-beliefs around work, finding purpose beyond work and creating a supportive environment for better mental well-being.

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